iOS7 disappoints

Change, something most people dread. Whether it’s changing houses, changing schools, changing phone numbers or anything else, the hassle involved is usually complained about. Unless. Unless that change is for the better, to improve what wasn’t sufficient anymore.

Our society is never satisfied with what it has. We are always wanting more, to be bigger and better. We want to have the latest piece of technology in our hands. But then when we actually get it, we complain about it not living up to our standards. So we ask for something better, more improved. And the cycle continues over and over again.

The reality of this fact did not hit me until I downloaded iOS7 to my iPhone4.

iOS 7 was talked about weeks before it came out. Everyone was raving about how cool it was going to be and all the new features it would contain. What they didn’t expect though, was a completely different iPhone than the one everyone is accustomed to.

There are so many factors to iOS7, and it is impossible to love it or hate it. It has pros and cons. For example, now you have easy access to the basic apps like the calculator, clock, camera and now even a flashlight. All of them at your service with a swipe on the screen. Overall the best new factor is accessibility.

However, there are some downfalls. All of the colors and lighting on the screen are brighter, more fluorescent. Which can be a bit annoying at times. Also along with that, the apps are more cartoon-like now. I wouldn’t say these are the worst qualities it contains, but they are among the ones that make the iPhone look the same as the competitors. It is no longer simple and practical. But worst of all, there are still a few glitches that need to be solved which causes the phone to slow down or even freeze at times.

Having used iOS7, I have learned that maybe new isn’t always better.