Stephanie Matsumoto, Features Editor
Position: 2016-2017 Opinion Editor, 2017-2018 Features Editor
Nickname(s): Steph, Matsumoto
Fun Fact: I’m a lean mean fighting machine.
Hobbies: Watching Disney movies, traveling, playing tennis, pretending to be good at things, eating 90% of the time.
Why I joined journalism and what it means to me: I first started out taking Journalism because my mom suggested it to me. However, I ended up falling in love with the class and everything I learned in it. It taught me so much more than anything else could have about writing, taking pictures, making graphics, etc and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Goals on staff and after high school: Well, obviously I want to help make the staff as great as it can be by doing my part and supporting others. As for future goals, ask me in like 8 months. <3