How will winter formal really go down?

The Winter Formal is finally making a return! It’s too late to buy your tickets, and the event is taking place tomorrow! But how exactly will the return of the Winter Formal end up? This is one of the biggest questions students are asking as the big day is quickly approaching.

The biggest attraction of this event is the attendance of Stockton rapper “Haiti Babii”, an artist who is very popular among Stagg’s student body. He has gone to our school’s football games and even recorded part of a music video at one. Because of this, as well as the fact that some of our football players were featured in the video, the hype surrounding the rapper’s name has grown astronomically.

It’s great to see that such a figure will be making an appearance at our school’s event, but how exactly will it go down? Considering the fact that part of his music video featured he and his squad going into a 7-11 and essentially vandalizing the place, I don’t think it will turn out so well. On top of that, the contents of his music simply do not seem appropriate for a high school setting, much less a winter formal setting. Remember that this dance is supposed to be a formal. The word formal possesses a very specific connotation, one that does not necessarily align itself with the genre of rap. I understand that we wanted to ensure ticket sales by inviting Haiti Babii to perform, but every action has its own reaction.

Let’s just hope that the reaction of this action doesn’t turn out to be a negative one.