Do aliens exist?

The Department of Defense spent $22 million just investigating UFOs. People have alleged alien encounters for so long, but when will we know the truth?

It’s not surprising how many claims that UFOs have been sighted. From people saying they see a “flying disk” to a “40-foot-long Tic Tac”, more and more stories have been brought up.

I do think aliens exist. There’s many known incidents such as the Roswell reports where reports of a flying object crash landed in a field in 1947. Area 51 has also been a well known reference for supposed aliens. CIA had finally classified the documents stating that it is in fact a secret military site in Las Vegas in 2013.

It always goes seems to go back to the government saying the supposed UFO sighting is military testing or something. I will continue to sit firmly on the side of terrestrial explanation.

The Universe is so vast, so I highly doubt we’re the only habitable planet. Studies have shown that just in our galaxy there is 2 billion possible planets that can contain life.

Nobody can say for sure whether there are certainly aliens. Once something proves it like an alien invasion or the truth comes out, only then will we know.