Free movies, priceless experience

Free movies, priceless experience

Gather your family and friends.
Grab your blankets. Grab your lawn chairs. Grab some snacks!
“Movies at the Point” is a new series which features a different movie the second Friday of every month. Beginning in June, and ending with the Spooktacular event in October, a free movie is projected under the tent at the Weber Point event center. Gates open at 6:30 p.m while all movies are shown at dusk.
Mayor Anthony Silva, along with the fire department, gather families to this event in hopes of bringing the community together. Laying outdoors with family or even close friends brings positive vibes. It beats going out to a typical high school party, and is a great way to start summer.
The next movie that will be shown will be “Rise of the Guardians” on July 11. Be sure to mark your calendars!