Male teachers take part in “Movember”

This month, a mass movement has hit campus. Male teachers alike waltz into their classrooms bearing lesson plans and scruffy faces.

Whether you call it “Movember,” or, “Noshember,” the month is sure to raise money and awareness. The idea is to for men to grow their beards, and donate the proceeds to prostate cancer awareness. Teachers this year have decided to band together, more than 30 of them, and battle it out to see who will grow the longest beard.

They all pay to partake in the event, and are getting students to sponsor them, giving as much pocket change as possible to contribute to the cause.

StaggOnline will be posting a stories, photos and exclusive footage tracking the teachers’ progress, and, of course, their growing mustaches and beards. The first of this coverage is a gallery (above) that showcases the men now, before their beards have grown in.