This year, 12 seniors were nominated to be a part of “Prom Court,” each nominated from clubs and sports on campus. The two crowns were announced based on the votes from a Google form. After nominations and voting, on the night of the Masquerade prom, Emiliano Ayala and Kamari Wallace were crowned as Prom King and Queen.
Each candidate had a different strategy that helped them throughout this campaign. Prom Queen Wallace said, “I suck at the online thing, but tried to make a couple of online things”. Her main source of promotion was putting up posters around campus. Wallace said she made about 7 posters but didn’t put all of them up. Prom King Ayala on the other hand solely relied on online flyers to gain votes. He appealed to trending and well known celebrities like singer-songwriter Tyla , adding texts into pictures of them and getting his friend to spread the word and repost the pictures.

Everyone had different reasons for participating in this high school tradition. Ayala stated, “It sounded like a cool experience, it’s “prom king,” what else sounds cooler than that?”
Wallce on the other hand said she “always wanted to run for prom queen since I started high school.” She wanted to participate in things that involved herself in school, whether that be sports which she didn’t get the chance to do or one of the courts nominated for the crowns given in high school. Neither crowns were expecting to win this title.
Ayala felt like he had a chance, but also stated that he was unsure because “everyone else was putting in more effort than me.” Wallace, on the other hand, felt like she didn’t think she was going to obtain this title, but was encouraged to be more confident and keep her head up.
The announcement of the crowning utterly shocked both winners. Neither of them were expecting to win but were ultimately exploding with excitement. Wallace expressed her overwhelming feelings stating “I was really excited; I felt so loved and appreciated, everyone was showing so much love that night.” Ayala felt honored and delighted when the announcers called his name.

To celebrate this triumph both winners spent time with their friends. Wallace attended an after party after prom in which she was “cheesing the whole night”. Ayala went bowling with his friends after enjoying the rest of his prom night.