Phyllis Strother : Motivational father inspires love for new sport

Playing a different sport for the first time in your last year of high school is something that many students would avoid doing given all of the other events their year has in store for them. For senior Phyllis Strother, however, the challenge of trying out a new sport was one she was willing to take on.

Her father, a track and field coach for Stagg, inspired her to give the sport a try for the first time and she has not looked back since. Strother began to throw shot put and fell in love with it  due to its diversity from other track and field events.

Motivated by her father, she is determined to be successful.

“Since my dad is the coach, he obviously wants me to do better so I do my best to be better,’’ Strother said. “I don’t want to let him down and quit, and I’m not as quitter.”

Strother has also played basketball throughout her career at Stagg. She says throwing shot put will improve her skills in basketball since the technique used to throw shot put is very similar to that of shooting a basketball.

“In both of the sports you have a similar stance and you have to get a lot of power behind the throw or shot,” she said. “So I think that this will definitely help me to improve in basketball as well.”

Strother has high hopes for this season and aims to make her dad proud while also trying to make her season as successful as possible.