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Xbox 360 ^^ But I love the Wii.
It all depends on the games that are provided and the controls 😀
The Nintendo DS Lite is my all time favorite though, I play it when I try to fall asleep xD
Between the two, I chooose the Xbox 360. But you forgot to mention the Wii and PC! PC is my preferred console. Runs pretty much the best of both worlds of Xbox 360 and PC, and with patches, you can pretty much run games from the 90’s flawlessly. The only downside is having to pay for parts. A solid GPU should cost you $200, and that’s not including the CPU, memory, hard drive, and all the other must have parts.
Thuy • Mar 6, 2011 at 10:14 pm
Xbox 360 ^^ But I love the Wii.
It all depends on the games that are provided and the controls 😀
The Nintendo DS Lite is my all time favorite though, I play it when I try to fall asleep xD
Richard Estepp • Feb 9, 2011 at 8:56 am
Xbox 360 all day baby
Ryan Stephenson • Feb 9, 2011 at 8:39 am
Between the two, I chooose the Xbox 360. But you forgot to mention the Wii and PC! PC is my preferred console. Runs pretty much the best of both worlds of Xbox 360 and PC, and with patches, you can pretty much run games from the 90’s flawlessly. The only downside is having to pay for parts. A solid GPU should cost you $200, and that’s not including the CPU, memory, hard drive, and all the other must have parts.
But still. 🙂
docxy • Feb 8, 2011 at 9:20 am
i’ll just stick to playing with my wii