Overfilled furry friends
Dogs look beyond their cage as they watch people go by hoping they will be adopted.
Around the time of the holidays, or any time of the year there are a ton of animals left out on the street without a home. Left out in the cold with no shelter or food, they have nowhere else to go but the one place where they won’t last very long – an animal shelter. A place where the workers will treat them with love and kindness for about as long as 30 days before having to put them down because of lack of adoption. This problem is not only occurring in Stockton’s animal shelters, but as well as shelters all throughout America.
“We believe here at our animal shelter that every animal deserves a home,” a volunteer at the City of Stockton Animal Shelter said. “It’s hard sometimes, because we know the circumstances if we can’t find a home for some, but we try are hardest to avoid those situations.”
Too many animals are being abandoned by their owners, yet this is the time of year to give, and love everyone and everything unconditionally. These animals don’t feel loved in cold cages knowing that they only have so little days to live because no one wants to adopt them. The workers at the animal shelters are trying to give away as many animals as they can to make space available to other animals in need of a home. Due to the limited capacity the shelters could take they are having fee waivers for adoptions throughout the holidays.
“Our goal is to make sure every animal has a home for the holidays, and we’re doing everything we can to make that happen.”
During the week of thanksgiving when Stockton animal shelters opened up the fee waivers for adoption, over 73 cats and dogs were adopted. Every animal whether it is a cat or dog, small or big, old or young, every single one deserves a home and an owner to care for them. The shelter is going to continue doing this around the time of Christmas as well so every animal could be warm and loved during the holidays.