Celeb worship has gone too far


The stage is set. Hundreds of screaming fans are gathered around to watch the biggest performance of all time: the Video Music Awards.

With such great acts involving Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, and Katy Perry, what else is needed for the audience to have a big kicker that will be remembered for years to come?

But what is this?

A giant robotic bear standing in the dark corner of the stage, releasing the all-known sensation, Miley Cyrus.

Sticking her tongue out throughout the performance followed by off-tune singing and a provocative dance known as “twerking” leads this Disney actress racing across the Internet. Leaving nothing but a negative cloud over people’s minds throughout America.

Celebrities these days are being idolized too much — and to make matters worse they are being idolized for the wrong thing.

It does not matter if they are considered the “twerking queen,” the “drug addict,” whatever the case may be. These people are being followed by human leeches, sucking in details of the celebrity life as much as they can.

One wrong move and it’s out to the public.

And we the audience are there to spread the word.

Teenagers tend to be the common majority to look up to these idols, observing every small detail that one can include in the teen’s personal life.

A simple reason is for the individual to be well known, to be the “cool” one in the crowd.

The issue with this is that celebrities are being known for all their negatives instead of all their positives.

Besides Cyrus’s twerking moments, there is Kim Kardashian becoming famous over a sex tape a few years ago, Michael Phelps caught smoking weed, and Justin Bieber spitting on his fans.

It is because of this negative behavior teenagers believe this action is okay, therefore the action will be repeated.

After all, what celebrities do does not change how the individual thinks of them, right?

It is strange to believe that today’s generation would spend most of their time online or cramming their faces with magazines just to keep up on what their favorite idol is doing.

Celebrities are not meant to guide us over what is and isn’t “cool” — even if what these celebrities choose to do is considered wrong.

They are here to bring a positive impact in our lives.

These people have the skills to send a message to the world, why not do it right?

But instead of the audience looking up to a celebrity’s great deeds, new stars of false wisdom reach for the skies, illuminating their power toward the minds of others, luring them to a world of sweet ignorance.

Celebrities are not meant to be idolized as much or even worshipped as a god for that matter.

While some people use these idols to bring something “cool” into their life, other celebrities should be known for their creativity and the positive impact they have placed among their audience.

But wherever there are celebrities, there are leeches.

And the leeches are always hungry, hungry to bring out the negative that will lure us further into the ignorance within.