Can we fix it? Yes, we can


Veronica Vargo

Old neglected wires sit at the bottom of the theater’s five tire sound system.

Advances in technology have left the decaying theater in the dust, whose electrical circuits can be dated back to the “dinosaur” age of floppy disks.

It has been a recurring problem for the performing arts department when they cannot speak into the microphone and be heard or step onto the stage’s flimsy floor.

Concerts with themes like the recent “Concert of Death” are hard to make visually appealing. Because the lighting can only be changed using the designated colors, special effects cannot be created.

The theater on campus has not been modified for a long time and it shows.
When special guests are presenting in the theater, a projector has to be imported from another classroom because there is not one built in, and a quick-n-easy plastic screen is assembled.

While the presentation is taking place, one can hardly hear what is being said because of the poor microphone quality; even the audience’s low murmur drowns out the information that is being communicated.

Aware of the needed theater improvement, choir teacher Mark Swope invited Superintendent Steve Lowder to experience the damaged theater.
He was pleased with the performance, but Swope was left in the dark about what he thought about the needed repairs.

“The list is so long,” Swope said when discussing the problems in the theater.
A wise investment would be to repair the theater so that we avoid incidents like students falling through stage floors and tripping on unleveled steps.

If the concern is saving money, why waste it on renting special flooring every time we have a dance recital or buy new batteries for the poor outdated microphones all the time?

Even though repairs would be costly, they are seriously needed.

If Stagg can have a top of the line sports facility, there should at least be a theater that belongs in the 21st century.

New technology, like 3D projections and auxiliary cords, are advances that should be at a theater’s disposal, but aren’t in ours.

There is not even a port where Internet connections can be made.

If one has ever been in the tech room atop the rows of seats in the theater, the first thing that would pop out would be the rotting wires that appear to have been abandoned for years.

This is clearly a safety hazard.

In the event that another person becomes injured because of the low level theater, it would be a quick lawsuit for the district.

It would be much more suitable to refurbish the current theater to make it more valuable; it may even encourage students to take a career interest in performing arts or theater.