El concilio makes ‘digital connections’ through class

The after-school program is offering a new computer class called Comcast Connectors. Its main focus is to help students
gain a better understanding of computers and their hardware and software. Students can also learn about film by taking this class. Comcast Connectors takes place in the library on Tuesdays and Fridays from 3-5.

“I’m really excited for this class, freshman Cameron Heine said. I’ve always been interested in computers, especially in computer games and movies.”

Alberto Aguilar, a Comcast Connectors teacher, and Bryan Alonso, after-school program staff member, teach the class.

The class is split between film and computer science. Alonso will teach the film class on Tuesdays. Some of the things students will learn are editing, how to make short films, and the effects of lighting. Alonso explains that one doesn’t need the most expensive equipment or software, it’s just important to know the basics.

Aguilar will teach the computer science class on Fridays and it focuses on a computer’s hardware and software and what a computer really is.

Alonso and Aguilar would like to do more things in the class and would like to try to get money in order to buy the necessary materials to build a computer. If theycan’t get the money to build the computer, then they will find other ways to do it, like build one digitally on the computer.

“When students finish the course they will get a certificate saying that they are certified in the use of CISCO technologies,” Aguilar said. “This certificate could take students into the Information Technology, or IT, field, or even lead them to create their own games or software.”

One has to complete a certain amount of hours in order to get the certificate Alonso and Aguilar suggest that about twoto use to help them in the future.

The class runs into the middle of December and there is supposed to be another class starting back up in the spring. The class is in its beginning stages and is still quite small, but the teachers are hopeful that the class will grow.