Author interacts with readers on personal level

As some students may know, author Matt de la Peña visited the school today to talk about his novels and the influence Stockton has on them. Those who attended during fifth period may recall a loud audience that was excited to read the free books he was throwing into the crowd.

As the talk was coming to a close, Pena answered several questions about what it’s like being a writer and at the end of each question the student would receive a free copy of one of his award-winning novels.

The author, and University of the Pacific graduate, said he enjoys talking with students. “It’s one of those things that you never really think would be part of the job.” One of his works, We Were Here, is based off of his time spent in Stockton; he especially enjoys writing about people who “live on the wrong side of the tracks.” Peña focuses on novels that attract young adults, with topics varying from personal experiences to depression.

“He’s really a captivating speaker,” Melissa Beattie, assistant principal said. It’s hard to disagree; the author had students on their feet trying to gain a chance to ask a question, especially at the end.

He focused mainly on the interaction he gained from his work, such as talking with students. “I would not be able to interact with you here,” he said to a student who asked a question. “If I didn’t choose to begin writing, this wouldn’t have happened. It’s a gift to interact with your reader.”