Anatomy and Biology Teacher Talks about her Passion for Teaching

Ashley Kramer’s goal to become a good teacher shows her love for teaching.


Ashley Kramer watching her 2nd-period Biology honors class as they do their lab investigation

Ashley Kramer, an anatomy and biology teacher works hard to show her passion for her students and for teaching in her first year of teaching. 

From being inspired to teach while doing an internship at Dignity Health, having to help her kids with learning due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and finding herself enjoying the experience of teaching, Kramer decided to pursue teaching high school students.

Kramer does her best to make her class enjoyable for her students, she says “I make sure that I bring my own energy and presence, kind of like my own charismatic way of being because I can’t show it to the kids with the room yet.”

Kramer does her best to comfort her students by being an honest teacher about her struggles with the subject of science, helping them understand better, and this is evident in her students such as Syrell Gratan. “Growing up, I really struggled with science and having Kramer as my teacher really helped me with it.”

Jorge Jiminez agrees, saying “I like the environment that she creates for us you know, it’s like a kind of homey environment, she really does do a really good job at teaching, I find her class one of the highlights of my day.”

Kramer reflects on what she wants out of teaching. “My personal goal is to have the type of relationship with students that they want to say hi to me in the hallway. It makes me feel like I had some sort of a positive impact, that’s enough for me.”