‘Insidious: Chapter 2’ surprises audience


Horror films. Scary, but most sequels do not live up to the first. Not in this case. “Insidious: Chapter 2” goes above and beyond expectations, especially after a misleading predecessor.

So to start off this film is scary – no terrifying, like a good horror movie should be. But unlike others, this sequel explains many unanswered questions left over from the first. This film will leave fans awestruck from the several plot twists and heart-pounding scenes.

The film starts out almost exactly where the first leaves off, so there aren’t any misleading jumps between films. Also, thanks to the director’s and producer’s brilliant scheme the further, the movie refers back to the first one and answers many questions that were left unanswered that could’ve displeased viewers. These surprising answers picked up the first film’s slack

The first Insidious became famous from its terrifying music. And the second one hasn’t changed. The loud, fast-paced music seems to get in the viewers’ face and adds to the thrilling scenes. The red title added to the spine-tingling violins is enough to scare anyone for the night, not including the frightening scenes that are soon to follow.

The acting is authentic. Every actor and actress seems to immerse him or herself into the character and perfect the role. The prominent Patrick Wilson (“Insidious,” “The Conjuring”) becomes the malevolent demon quickly flipping to the loving father almost instantly, giving himself a positive review, as well as leading “Insidious: Chapter 2” to popularity.

Overall, this film is definitely worth the money. “Insidious: Chapter 2” exceeds expectations from its predecessor and will surely keep the viewers awake at night.