Glee concludes after six seasons

Glee concludes after six seasons

It’s over.

Six years. Six seasons. 121 episodes. And hundreds of songs that I sung along to.

Gleeks everywhere are in mourning now that “Glee” is finally over. And now I can say that I have no clue what to do with my life.

What show will I tune-in to sing my favorite songs with Rachel and Blaine? What show will have that perfect mix of comedy, drama and music?

The sad realization that comes with every series finale is that there won’t be another show just like it. “Glee” was the type of show that people thought wouldn’t last— that after a couple seasons, people would get tired of the same old thing, song after song after song.

And some did. I remember when some of my friends stopped watching “Glee” because “it got dumb” or something to that effect.

I get it. I admit that at some points I felt like the show was just being dragged on and the producers really didn’t know where they were going to take it— especially when Cory Monteith, our beloved Finn Hudson, the star quarterback and leading man of the Glee club, died in the summer of 2013. I was both devastated by his death and unsure of how Glee could go on without him.

What was going to happen? Finn and Rachel were supposed to get married soon! He was going to take over the Glee club and Rachel would be taking over Broadway! What now?

The show did move on without him, but I felt that the finale was too prolonged by the producers.

After all the original Glee clubbers graduated, there were all these other great members of the club that had such interesting stories, but were underdeveloped because the storyline still focused on Rachel and friends and their after-high school pursuits. And even their original plans were sideswept to bring them back to Lima and back into that choir room.

I felt some characters’ story lines were too rushed, and others were never developed enough. Like, what happened to Marley, Rider, Jake, and Kitty? They ended up being just background characters to make room for Rachel and the others again. But at least their stories were touched on for a whole season, instead of just a few episodes like it was for Roderick, Jane, Spencer, Mason and Madison.

I love the original cast, but it was time for them to move on from the spotlight and give the newbies a shot at stardom. But of course, maybe it was a little too much to ask for. From the beginning, the newer cast was never going to replace the original. After all, they were apart of what made “Glee” “something special.”