A brand new club designed to help students who are recent immigrants adjust and do well academically has made its debut: introducing The Newcomers Club.
The club gives shelter to students new to the country so they can succeed not only in high school but in life as well. The club even strives to take students into higher education or career exploration. Though this club aims to give newcomers a space to speak in their native language the meetings are done bilingually.
The resources available to make this goal a reality is support services that are aimed to teach students the language as well as translators. As well as the regular support groups provided by the state such as ELD.

Julie Gomez is a counselor at Stagg and the advisor for Newcomers Club. Her devotion to the cause is sourced in her personal background. ¨I specifically felt drawn to helping out students from similar backgrounds as me to help them have access to resources and opportunities that I did not have growing up.¨
Gomez was previously a guidance technician, but became a counselor to help. The reason for the change in position is Ms. Gomez is here to help ¨I wanted to become a counselor so that I can provide access to information and resources for all students and help them achieve their career goals.¨
Ms. Gomez uses her expertise as a counselor to not only help with emotional change but also social change to cure this she has an approach ¨Newcomers can interact with one another and get to know students in the same situation and realize that they are not alone throughout the process of navigating life after high school.¨
The club started in late August and has managed to have one planning meeting with a participation of over 20 students
Club president Alejandro Cruz has nothing but positive things to say about the club. ¨I like [The Newcomers Club] because it is a very nice experience to be in the club, and there are many fun things and unique experiences and you take away many beautiful memories of being a member of the club.¨
Cruz is confident in his ability he is responsible for taking the role of members at all meetings while also assisting in passing motions and moving matters brought into meetings. He hopes for one thing that the people who want to be a part of the club don’t feel scared and come in and join the fun.
¨All the officials and all the members of the club being incredible, it is a beautiful community.¨ Says Cruz.

Gomez says she has nothing but the student’s best interest in mind, so she works hard as both the role of counselor and advisor she does her best to run meetings and has received positive feedback from members to provide on matters that have to do with them.
¨I am very happy with how the club is turning out! I just hope that the students can gain something valuable as a result of participating in this experience.¨ Remarks Ms. Gomez
Gomez remains determined ¨This club reflects why I became a counselor as this club creates a space for students that are new to the country to build social connections.¨