Cheer shines during halftime show at Sac State
Senior varsity cheerleader Lezly Chavez is seen posing with her fellow teammates as they await for their group performance to begin.
Along with a few other high schools, Stagg cheerleaders were formally invited by Sacramento State to perform during a football game’s halftime. Being part of the United Cheer Association gave the cheerleaders this opportunity.
“It was a wonderful experience to be able to take the girls to (Sacramento State),” said Corene Lugo, cheerleading coach.
Groups of all ages were present in the performance. Younger cheerleaders were able to associate with high school cheerleaders and likewise for high school cheerleaders with the college level cheerleaders.
“It was cool to see their interaction with the players and the marching band,” said sophomore junior varsity cheerleader Marissa Pimentel. “It was a whole new experience.”
Because it conflicted with the October SAT date, only a few were able to attend. Cheerleaders from both JV and varsity were involved in the grand cheer routine.
“I’ve never been to a college football game let alone cheer and perform for college students was a whole different level,” senior Andrea Martinez said.
The girls who were able to attend were honored and overall delighted to be the entertainment for a college audience. Still, with every good journey there are a few bumps in the road.
The squad did not receive their routine until Thursday, two days prior to the event. This meant they had only two hours to rehearse their given cheer routine. While most teams had two weeks to learn the routine, the cheerleaders said they chose not to fret over it and rather get to work. Senior Alana Lujan believed that although they had limited time, their excitement and positive energy was the reason for their achievement.
“What we had learned at practice was changed up so much when we out there. So, we had to learn new formations and new rolls off but it was a challenge for us,” said the varsity cheerleader.
“We felt good about ourselves,” Pimentel said. Overall, the positive energy the team embodied aided them in performing well.
Lugo said, “I’m very proud of them for what they did. They worked real hard and got an experience of a lifetime.”