President Trump uses social media to pick fights
Social media: a place to upload pictures, keep updated with friends, and post opinions. Usually you associate social media with young adults, but older people participate as well. From them you expect mature comments. You would especially expect this from someone over 70 years old.Social media: a place to upload pictures, keep updated with friends, and post opinions. Usually you associate social media with young adults, but older people participate as well. From them you expect mature comments. You would especially expect this from someone over 70 years old.
And yet, we have a 71 year old guy calling the dictator of North Korea a “little rocket man.” He also attacks journalists for writing unfavorably of him, accuses the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, of poor leadership, and calls for NFL players who kneel during the National Anthem to be fired.
This 71 year old runs our country, but finds it more important to push the blame on others or make uneducated comments. As soon as someone “attacks” him, he’s on Twitter the next second complaining about it from the comfort of a golf resort.
From the time he’s on Twitter, it’s expected that he has more to say on serious topics. Not that he never does, but at times he doesn’t comment on important situations or shifts the attention to himself.
For several days after the four special forces soldiers were killed on Oct. 4, Trump remained silent. Instead, he tweeted about his iconic “fake news” media. The next day, when the bodies of the first soldiers arrived, he continued to attack the media and warn of the “calm before the storm.” On the 12th day, he finally made a comment only because a reporter asked him about it.
In his response, the president said he had written personal letters to the family, trying to make )it a political advantage by accusing his predecessors of hardly ever or never calling the family members of the fallen soldier, when, in fact, they regularly did.
It was immature and stupid to try to use the issue to make himself look good. People died and family members are in mourning. He should have just focused on the family and the soldiers, not himself. It’s even more ridiculous that he had time to make stupid comments, and yet kept silent over a matter that required him to speak.
The president should just be banned from social media. If he wants to make a comment on something, then he can hold a conference or make a speech to the public. It would give him time to think over what he wants to say and how he wants to say it.
It’s clear that he can’t keep his temper and use social media properly without picking fights. He can put all that extra time not spent on Twitter to some use, like avoiding nuclear war with North Korea or helping the residents of Flint, Michigan, finally get some clean water.