Injury challenges dedication to softball

May 25, 2014

She shakes her head as she recalls the specific moment.

“I wasn’t really thinking. I was so into the play, I didn’t even notice.”

There was one out and senior Tianna Sterni was playing second base, frantically waiting for the ball to meet her mitt, but when she glanced over, the runner was sliding legs first onto the base.

The next thing she knew she was on the ground.

“My leg was stinging, so coach told me to walk it off. I knew something was wrong. It was scary.”
T he other player’s cleats had torn a gash two inches deep into her body that required 12 stitches. She had to wait four weeks to play again.

“I really wanted to get back out there,” she said. “I was literally going to the doctor every week hoping he would say I could play sooner.”

She has played with the softball team since her freshman year so everyone is really close. Watching them play without her was heartbreaking. When she fully recovered, she was able to finish the season with her team.

Sterni’s teammate, Mia Macias, played softball alongside Tianna throughout this season.

“Tianna’s always so positive and hard working,” Macias said. “She never gives up on her team.”

While she has played this sport her whole life, she was never really proud of what she was doing. She only continued to play because her father liked the sport.

“We went to a lot of college softball games together,”said Sterni.

However, when she turned 5 and joined a tee-ball team she started to appreciate and enjoy the sport.
Sterni’s dedication led her to play travel ball outside of school.

It is much faster than softball and she must travel to different cities.

Throughout the years, Tianna changed her mind about how she plans to follow her passion.

“When I was younger I wanted to play for a U.S. team,” Sterni said. “Now I just want to play for my college even if it’s just at Delta.”

Sterni did not expect to fall in love with this sport. She feels that even if someone is uncertain of something they should give it a try.

“You try to be confident so everything’s perfect before you get out on the field,” she said with a smile. “I’ve experienced a lot in my four years playing softball. It’s been incredible. I will never forget it.”

Sterni didn’t bat often because she was a pitcher.

However, she did help her team win four games.

Even though Sterni just played her last season with the team, she certainly left her mark on the field and with her teammates. A smile widened across Macias’ face as she talks about her overall experience with Sterni.

“She’s always so high-spirited and determined to win the game no matter what.”

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