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Home of the Delta Kings

Stagg Online

Home of the Delta Kings

Stagg Online

Letter from the Editor: Goodbye.

Dear Readers,

As I write this goodbye article, I feel both grateful and a bit sad. Being the Editor-in-Chief of Stagg Online has been one of the best experiences of my high school career, and it’s time to say farewell.

To our readers, thank you for your constant support and interest in Stagg Online. Every article and story was written with you in mind. Your feedback, loyalty, and trust mean everything to us. I am very thankful for the chance to serve you and be part of a community that values truth and thoughtful discussions in every article. I hope you all keep supporting this publication with the same passion after I graduate.

To my fellow reporters, I can’t thank you enough for your hard work, creativity, and dedication within my time as your Editor-In-Chief. Together, we faced challenges and celebrated successes, always striving to do our best. It has been an honor to work with such a talented team that I’m happy to call my friends. I will always treasure the memories we made as a team and the family we have created this year.

As I leave, I’m confident that our publication is in good hands. I am excited to welcome our new Editor-in-Chief, Madysin Camillo, who brings fresh ideas and the energy I know Stagg Online needs. I believe she will continue to make our publication great. I wish her all the success and best of luck in this new role.

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for being part of this amazing journey from my time as EIC. Even though I’m moving on in life, I will always remember the lessons learned, trips made, pictures taken, and the friendships created. Here’s to new beginnings and the continued success of our beloved publication.

With sincere thanks and best wishes,
Ryan Turner
2023-2024 Editor-In-Chief

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  • M

    mannyMay 23, 2024 at 11:15 am

    You got me tearing up Ryan you will be missed
