Barbie is a 2023 movie about self-discovery for the fictional toy characters Barbie and Ken as they travel from Barbieland to the real world. It has ideas of feminism and patriarchy, it has music to listen to for all kinds of feelings, happy and sad. This pink world brought many opinions, bad and good.
The movie is now up for six Oscar nominations. The nominations are for Actor in a Supporting Role, Costume Design, Music, Best Picture, Production Design, and Writing. They have won many awards months after the movie was released.
Senior Ticho Castillo expressed his opinion on Barbie winning awards, saying ¨Yeah, I mean everything about it was just super cool like the music to like just the regular scenes.¨ Castillo is taking the class Literature Through Film, where they study movies. Castillo expressed one of his favorite scenes was with Ken. ¨The scene where Ken is like, on the bed, and Barbie is, like, comforting him and he is like trying to hold back his tears.¨
Grace Cabasug, also in Lit Through Film, expressed her feelings on whether it should win the Oscar for Writing of Adapted Screenplay. “I do think the movie was well written like a lot of people liked it, it’s just, me personally, you know, I had high expectations.¨ The expectations were high for this movie with the deeper meaning it was said to pinpoint, but Cabasug felt like it didn’t live up to her expectations. She went in expecting to be moved emotionally, ¨Oh, I’m gonna cry like it’s going to be everything,” but she didn’t.
The deeper meaning of the film showed what women go through with men on top. Ken had gotten a taste of patriarchy and tried to overpower Barbieland. Literature Through Film teacher James Medrano was shocked at how deep the meaning was. ¨I was surprised actually how in-depth it is regarding what it is saying about women in our time right now what they go through¨.
The movie’s meaning brought attention to Barbie and how they presented feminism and patriarchy. ¨This is not something you would just kind of disregard as something not worth really digging into as to regards of what they are saying,¨ said Medrano. He believes it deserves the Oscar for Adapted Screenplay.
¨For a movie based on a toy it felt so relatable and real to common people,¨ Medrano said on the movie. The movie brought not only relatability with women but also with men.
The Barbie movie has created a lot of attraction both bad and good. Now that it is up for awards people still express their opinion. It has meanings that resonate with everyone, especially women.
The Barbie movie was an Oscar worthy movie for me personally. The actors had incredible chemistry and the writing made me cry. The part that made me cry the most was when Gloria, played by America Ferrera, was talking to Barbie about how hard it is to be a woman. I resonated with how Barbie was feeling throughout the movie, and the music is still a part of my everyday life.
The Oscars will be on March 10th and can be watched live on ABC at 5 p.m. PST.